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请输入完整的网址,包括 http:// 的前缀。例如: http://www.google.cn/ 。您还可以添加评论或关键字,对您网页的内容进行描述。这些内容仅供我们参考,并不会影响 Google 如何为您的网页编排索引或如何使用您的网页。
请注意:您只需提供来自托管服务商的顶层网页即可,不必提交各个单独的网页。我们的抓取工具 Googlebot 能够找到其他网页。Google 会定期更新它的索引,因此您无需提交更新后的或已过期的链接。无效的链接会在我们下次抓取时(即更新整个索引时)淡出我们的索引。这样你被访问的机会就大大增加了。
创建快速读入的带图象的网页Founds the fast read-in the belt image homepage
Uses the image in the homepage the question to lie in the read-in homepage the speed, if you use the image correctly in the homepage, this question will not be prominent. Must found the fast read-in the belt image homepage, please follow the following principle: uses the identical image as far as possible in yours homepage. When the browser reads in an image, it will retain an image in the buffer the copy. If you use the identical image in many pages, browser reads when these pages from Internet each time will not read in this image document. When you read in the identical image document, you should guarantee that the identifier the SRC attribute value on each page is the same. in reduction image palette's size. The majority of mapping software allows you to assign the GIF image the palette size, uses the smallest palette as far as possible. Pays attention to this and in the reduced image the color number is different. For example, if you, in had two kind of colors in the images to establish a 256 color palette, this will be the low efficiency. must certainly use the identifier WIDTH and the HEIGHT attribute. If you do not assign these two attributes, the browser will not know that should be an image keeps the big open area. In this case, after when the image completely reads, the browser meets the replotting entire homepage. Moreover, when on your homepage has many images, the browser can for each image time and time again replotting screen. uses the staggered GIF image as far as possible. Interlocks the GIF image to demonstrate on the screen when looks like quickly, because before the entire document transmits the browser, they start to demonstrate. This kind of psychological feeling is very effective, you should use them frequently. as far as possible do not choose these to have many different color images. Will have the massive identical color image transmission to be quick. Any matter is equal, in the image the color are more, needs to transmit the information are more. Usually, the simple picture is always friends with compared to the complex picture effect. do not use too many pictures in the homepage. In the particular case, the browser needs to send out the independent request for homepage on each specific picture to the server. Combines a big picture many neighboring small pictures to compared to transmit these small picture effect to be friends with alone. Usually, when you can combines many small pictures a big picture, you should do this.
Pharma Technology 医药技术---一步就能为您和您的学习...
Pharma Technology 医药技术---一步就能为您和您的学习...
پرسپولیس به مرحله دوم صعود کرد/ تنها ایرانی در جمع 16 تیم برتر
به گزارش خبرنگار مهر، تیم فوتبال الشباب عربستان چهارشنبه شب در چارچوب دیداری از هفته پنجم مرحله گروهی مسابقات فوتبال لیگ قهرمانان باشگاههای آسیا در ورزشگاه ملک فهد شهر ریاض به مصاف الغرافه قطر رفت و موفق شد با یک گل میهمان خود را از پیش رو بردارد.
این دیدار که در گروه B مسابقات لیگ قهرمانان برگزار شد، با نتیجه تساوی بدون گل رو به اتمام بود که سعد الشماری، کاپیتان الغرافه روی احمد عجب، مهاجم جوان الشباب مرتکب خطای پنالتی شد. ضربه پنالتی را ناصر الشمرانی در دقیقه 3+90 به تور دروازه الغرافه چسباند تا تیم الشباب به پیروزی یک بر صفر دست یافته و به جمع سه تیم عربستانی الهلال، الاتحاد و الاتفاق در مرحله یک هشتم نهایی مسابقات لیگ قهرمانان آسیا بپیوندد.
الغرافه در حالی مغلوب الشباب شد که از دقیقه 35 به دنبال اخراج احمد فارس با یک بازیکن کمتر به بازی ادامه می داد.
با کنار کشیدن الشارجه امارات از دور مسابقات فوتبال لیگ قهرمانان آسیا دیگر الغرافه شانسی برای بالا بردن امتیازاتش ندارد و با سه امتیاز به کار خود در مرحله مقدماتی این مسابقات پایان داد.
با نتیجهای که در دیدار شب گذشته رقم خورد، تیم الشباب با 7 امتیاز به صدرنشینی خود در گروه B مسابقات لیگ قهرمانان آسیا ادامه داد و الغرافه نیز با 3 امتیاز در رده سوم گروه ایستاد و عملا شانس صعود به مرحله یک هشتم نهایی رقابتها را از دست داد. در این بین تیم پرسپولیس، نماینده اول فوتبال کشورمان با چهار امتیاز در رده دوم گروه باقی ماند تا به همراه الشباب عربستان صعود خود به مرحله دوم لیگ قهرمانان آسیا را حتمی کند.
پرسپولیس در دیدار آخر خود در مرحله مقدماتی مسابقات فوتبال لیگ قهرمانان آسیا که چهارشنبه 30 اردیبهشت ماه برگزار می شود، این فرصت را خواهد داشت که با غلبه بر الشباب عربستان به عنوان تیم صدرنشین گروه B به مرحله دوم لیگ قهرمانان آسیا صعود کند.
به دنبال شکست الغرافه قطر مقابل الشباب عربستان، این تیم قطری از راهیابی به مرحله یک هشتم نهایی مسابقات فوتبال لیگ قهرمانان باشگاههای آسیا بازماند تا تیم پرسپولیس ایران فرصت حضور در جمع 16 تیم برتر این رقابتها را پیدا کند.
این دیدار که در گروه B مسابقات لیگ قهرمانان برگزار شد، با نتیجه تساوی بدون گل رو به اتمام بود که سعد الشماری، کاپیتان الغرافه روی احمد عجب، مهاجم جوان الشباب مرتکب خطای پنالتی شد. ضربه پنالتی را ناصر الشمرانی در دقیقه 3+90 به تور دروازه الغرافه چسباند تا تیم الشباب به پیروزی یک بر صفر دست یافته و به جمع سه تیم عربستانی الهلال، الاتحاد و الاتفاق در مرحله یک هشتم نهایی مسابقات لیگ قهرمانان آسیا بپیوندد.
الغرافه در حالی مغلوب الشباب شد که از دقیقه 35 به دنبال اخراج احمد فارس با یک بازیکن کمتر به بازی ادامه می داد.
با کنار کشیدن الشارجه امارات از دور مسابقات فوتبال لیگ قهرمانان آسیا دیگر الغرافه شانسی برای بالا بردن امتیازاتش ندارد و با سه امتیاز به کار خود در مرحله مقدماتی این مسابقات پایان داد.
با نتیجهای که در دیدار شب گذشته رقم خورد، تیم الشباب با 7 امتیاز به صدرنشینی خود در گروه B مسابقات لیگ قهرمانان آسیا ادامه داد و الغرافه نیز با 3 امتیاز در رده سوم گروه ایستاد و عملا شانس صعود به مرحله یک هشتم نهایی رقابتها را از دست داد. در این بین تیم پرسپولیس، نماینده اول فوتبال کشورمان با چهار امتیاز در رده دوم گروه باقی ماند تا به همراه الشباب عربستان صعود خود به مرحله دوم لیگ قهرمانان آسیا را حتمی کند.
پرسپولیس در دیدار آخر خود در مرحله مقدماتی مسابقات فوتبال لیگ قهرمانان آسیا که چهارشنبه 30 اردیبهشت ماه برگزار می شود، این فرصت را خواهد داشت که با غلبه بر الشباب عربستان به عنوان تیم صدرنشین گروه B به مرحله دوم لیگ قهرمانان آسیا صعود کند.
به دنبال شکست الغرافه قطر مقابل الشباب عربستان، این تیم قطری از راهیابی به مرحله یک هشتم نهایی مسابقات فوتبال لیگ قهرمانان باشگاههای آسیا بازماند تا تیم پرسپولیس ایران فرصت حضور در جمع 16 تیم برتر این رقابتها را پیدا کند.
اعتراض به اعدام دلارا در 22 کشور

روز انلاين -
بيش از بيست و دو کشور جهان روز گذشته به دعوت سازمان عفو بين الملل، مراسمي را در اعتراض به حکم اعدام دلارا دارابي و ساير نوجوانان در ايران برگزار کردند. بيشتر اين تجمع هاي اعتراض آميز در مقابل سفارتخانه هاي ايران در کشورهاي مختلف برگزار شد.
دروري دايک از سازمان عفو بين الملل در توضيح اين خبر مي گويد: کشورهايي که نام آنها براي اجراي مراسم، تاکنون به دستمان رسيده است عبارتند از: بريتانيا، بلژيک، نروژ، لهستان، کانادا، فرانسه، ايتاليا، سوئيس، افريقاي جنوبي، بورکينوفاسو، سوئد، آلمان، جمهوري چک، ونزوئلا، مالزي، هلند، سنگال، اسپانيا، امريکا، مالزي، مراکش و اتريش.
دروري دايک در مورد تجمع روز گذشته در لندن مي گويد: ساعت 16:30 در مقابل سفارت ايران در لندن جمع شديم. حدود 50 نفر بوديم. يا يک نامه، يک دسته گل و عکسي از دلارا رفته بوديم تا نامه را به مديران سفارت ايران بدهيم. در جمع ما آيرن خان دبيرکل سازمان عفو بين الملل و اليستير کارميشل از نمايندگان مجلس بريتانيا هم حضور داشتند. اين دو نفر رفتند و در سفارت را زدند. اما کسي در را باز نکرد. البته از ابتدا هم مي دانستيم که اين کار را نخواهند کرد.
بيش از بيست و دو کشور جهان روز گذشته به دعوت سازمان عفو بين الملل، مراسمي را در اعتراض به حکم اعدام دلارا دارابي و ساير نوجوانان در ايران برگزار کردند. بيشتر اين تجمع هاي اعتراض آميز در مقابل سفارتخانه هاي ايران در کشورهاي مختلف برگزار شد.
دروري دايک از سازمان عفو بين الملل در توضيح اين خبر مي گويد: کشورهايي که نام آنها براي اجراي مراسم، تاکنون به دستمان رسيده است عبارتند از: بريتانيا، بلژيک، نروژ، لهستان، کانادا، فرانسه، ايتاليا، سوئيس، افريقاي جنوبي، بورکينوفاسو، سوئد، آلمان، جمهوري چک، ونزوئلا، مالزي، هلند، سنگال، اسپانيا، امريکا، مالزي، مراکش و اتريش.
دروري دايک در مورد تجمع روز گذشته در لندن مي گويد: ساعت 16:30 در مقابل سفارت ايران در لندن جمع شديم. حدود 50 نفر بوديم. يا يک نامه، يک دسته گل و عکسي از دلارا رفته بوديم تا نامه را به مديران سفارت ايران بدهيم. در جمع ما آيرن خان دبيرکل سازمان عفو بين الملل و اليستير کارميشل از نمايندگان مجلس بريتانيا هم حضور داشتند. اين دو نفر رفتند و در سفارت را زدند. اما کسي در را باز نکرد. البته از ابتدا هم مي دانستيم که اين کار را نخواهند کرد.
در باره قسمت پايين صفحه

در باره قسمت پايين صفحه
قسمت پايين صفحه عبارت از دو بخش متفاوت ميباشد:۱- گوناگون:برخلاف ساير قالبها که اين امکان را ندارند، در اين قالب ميتوانيد
نوشته ها و يا کدهايی در بخش ويرايش گنجانده و محل نمايش آنرا «پايين صفحه» معين کنيد.مواردی را که برای پايين صفحه م کنيد، در اين قسمت قابل مشاهده خواهد بود. ۲- مطالب قبلی:دقت داشته باشيد که در صفحه اصلی اين قالب بطور استاندارد ده مطلب آخر شما نمايش داده ميشود. در اين قسمت نيز تيتر ده مطلب پيش تر از آن بطور اتوماتيک نمايش داده ميشود که قابل کليک
دقت داشته باشيد که در صفحه اصلی اين قالب بطور استاندارد ده مطلب آخر شما نمايش داده ميشود. در اين قسمت نيز تيتر ده مطلب پيش تر از آن بطور اتوماتيک نمايش داده ميشود که قابل کليک هستند.
توضيحاتی در باره قالب «بيزنس»
شده، برنده مدال طلای بين المللی ميباشد. بدليل امکانات فراوان اين قالب، کسانی که قصد استفاده از اين قالب را دارند، لطفاً قبل از شروع، حتماً سطور زير را مطالعه فرمايند:
در قسمت اسلايد بالای صفحه چگونه ميتوان عکس گنجاند؟برای گنجاندن عکس در اين قسمت، تصاوير مورد نظر را قبل از آپلود، زمانيکه در کامپيوتر شماست، تغيير نام داده و نام آنرا داخل پرانتز () قرار دهيد. تصاويری که نام آنها داخل پرانتز باشد، بطور اتوماتيک در اين قسمت به نمايش گذاشته خواهند شد.بعنوان مثال اگر نام تصوير فوق Piture باشد، بايد آنرا بدين صورت (Piture) تغيير نام داده، سپس آپلود کنيد.
اندازه تصويرمسلماً تصوير شما به هر اندازه يی که باشد، سافت آنرا به اندازه مورد کارآيی خود تبديل خواهد نمود. اما در اينصورت کيفيت و مفهوم آن از دست رفته و بطور کشيده، يا فشرده نشان داده خواهد شد.به همين سبب، بهتر است تصاوير فوق را قبل از آپلود تغيير سايز داده و آنرا با سايز 680x220 PX (پيکسل) آپلود نماييد. تعداد تصاويربرای نمايش تصوير در قسمت فوق هيچگونه محدوديت و ليميت در نظر گرفته نشده است.اما با در نظر گرفتن سايز بزرگ تصاوير، استفاده از عکسهای کمتر موجب افزايش سرعت بارگذاری صفحه خواهد شد.
در قسمت اسلايد بالای صفحه چگونه ميتوان عکس گنجاند؟برای گنجاندن عکس در اين قسمت، تصاوير مورد نظر را قبل از آپلود، زمانيکه در کامپيوتر شماست، تغيير نام داده و نام آنرا داخل پرانتز () قرار دهيد. تصاويری که نام آنها داخل پرانتز باشد، بطور اتوماتيک در اين قسمت به نمايش گذاشته خواهند شد.بعنوان مثال اگر نام تصوير فوق Piture باشد، بايد آنرا بدين صورت (Piture) تغيير نام داده، سپس آپلود کنيد.
اندازه تصويرمسلماً تصوير شما به هر اندازه يی که باشد، سافت آنرا به اندازه مورد کارآيی خود تبديل خواهد نمود. اما در اينصورت کيفيت و مفهوم آن از دست رفته و بطور کشيده، يا فشرده نشان داده خواهد شد.به همين سبب، بهتر است تصاوير فوق را قبل از آپلود تغيير سايز داده و آنرا با سايز 680x220 PX (پيکسل) آپلود نماييد. تعداد تصاويربرای نمايش تصوير در قسمت فوق هيچگونه محدوديت و ليميت در نظر گرفته نشده است.اما با در نظر گرفتن سايز بزرگ تصاوير، استفاده از عکسهای کمتر موجب افزايش سرعت بارگذاری صفحه خواهد شد.
Talk of mercury
"今古奇观" there is such a story, a liar with "silver into gold chain," fooled by the magic of a large number of rich silver.
Silver into gold, you really? Of course not. In fact, this crook is used in gold looks like silver amalgam. Kim is the so-called amalgam of mercury and gold alloy, Qi is the ancient title of the alloy. Mercury at room temperature is the only liquid metal, looks like silver, so also known as mercury. Heated gold amalgam, mercury is evaporated, it left behind is the gold黄澄澄.
As early as in ancient times, the amalgam has been used in the metal material surface, such as "flying money", such as the ancient buildings on the gold glass tile, clay sculpture in the temple the temple金身Buddha, they are plated with gold amalgam of gold. Applied to gold amalgam on glass or clay tile, the heated vapor of mercury into the mercury evaporated, glass tile or clay on a gold-plated. Toxic mercury vapor, it is said that amalgam with gold plated to the St. Petersburg church, there were 60 workers died as a result of mercury vapor poisoning.
Mercury not only with the formation of alloys, it can also lead and other metals such as sodium, zinc, silver, tin and other metal alloys to form. Lead and mercury to form the alloy铅汞called Qi, the ancients used it to mirror polishing abrasive. The formation of sodium and sodium mercury amalgam and of zinc and zinc-mercury amalgam formed by chemical synthesis process is commonly used reducing agent. Silver, tin and mercury in the formation of tin-silver amalgam hardens quickly, use it to fill a tooth ancients.
In their daily lives, we often encounter mercury compounds, such as red mercury sulfide in the inkpad, red syrup in the treatment of skin mercurochrome and mercury ointment. Most toxic compounds of mercury, so use caution.
Silver into gold, you really? Of course not. In fact, this crook is used in gold looks like silver amalgam. Kim is the so-called amalgam of mercury and gold alloy, Qi is the ancient title of the alloy. Mercury at room temperature is the only liquid metal, looks like silver, so also known as mercury. Heated gold amalgam, mercury is evaporated, it left behind is the gold黄澄澄.
As early as in ancient times, the amalgam has been used in the metal material surface, such as "flying money", such as the ancient buildings on the gold glass tile, clay sculpture in the temple the temple金身Buddha, they are plated with gold amalgam of gold. Applied to gold amalgam on glass or clay tile, the heated vapor of mercury into the mercury evaporated, glass tile or clay on a gold-plated. Toxic mercury vapor, it is said that amalgam with gold plated to the St. Petersburg church, there were 60 workers died as a result of mercury vapor poisoning.
Mercury not only with the formation of alloys, it can also lead and other metals such as sodium, zinc, silver, tin and other metal alloys to form. Lead and mercury to form the alloy铅汞called Qi, the ancients used it to mirror polishing abrasive. The formation of sodium and sodium mercury amalgam and of zinc and zinc-mercury amalgam formed by chemical synthesis process is commonly used reducing agent. Silver, tin and mercury in the formation of tin-silver amalgam hardens quickly, use it to fill a tooth ancients.
In their daily lives, we often encounter mercury compounds, such as red mercury sulfide in the inkpad, red syrup in the treatment of skin mercurochrome and mercury ointment. Most toxic compounds of mercury, so use caution.
The most difficult to melt metal
In all types of metals, tungsten is the most difficult to melt, the most volatile of the metals is not easy, so called "high melting point metal", and its melting point as high as 3380 degrees, the boiling point is 5927 degrees.
Tungsten Latin means "wolf's mouth foam", tungsten how it linked with the predators? In fact, in a long time ago, people discovered tin ore smelting, when the ore contains a brown witherite, the tin will be a sharp decline in production. This is like the original witherite wolf will devour the sheep eat the same tin. Therefore, the tungsten has been called "the wolf's mouth foam."
Tungsten in the earth's crust about one hundred thousandth. Nature black manganese tungsten iron ore (also known as wolframite) and yellow gray calcium tungsten ore (also known as scheelite), tungsten ore reserves in China account for the world. Nanling our country is the world's richest scheelite zone, especially in the southern Jiangxi Province, known as "Metal Township." Jiangxi and Hunan dayu Shizhuyuan have the world's largest tungsten mine.
As early as the 18th century, humans have discovered the tungsten, but it was only in 1850 obtained by the Wheeler pure tungsten metal. But since then it has been widely used. Except for its filament, but also used for high-performance cutting tool.
In 1864, the British people the first time Frechette steel add 5% of tungsten, Make a change to maintain high hardness of the alloy. Tool steel to do this can speed metal from the original 5 meters per minute, increased to 7.5 meters per minute. Developed as a result of constant volume with different high-speed tungsten steel, so that gradually increase speed. After 40 years, the metal tungsten steel cutting speed to 35 meters per minute, so cutting capacity by 6 times.
In 1907, a tungsten, chromium and cobalt-based alloy - "Staley," The successful development of cemented carbide, higher cutting speed is more to create the conditions.
Ultra-modern carbide is tungsten carbide and a number of other elements of the carbide produced by sintering method. It is the refractory metals (tungsten, tantalum, titanium, molybdenum, etc.) of the hard carbide particles, with one or more of the iron group elements (cobalt, nickel or iron) to suppress the powder mixture of shape, then sintered made.
Carbide is the world's highest strength alloy. Carbide is now widely used there are two main categories: first, the binder is made of cobalt-based alloy of tungsten carbide; second type of binder is made of tool steel titanium carbide-based alloys.
Cemented carbide cutting tools used to do, and its degree of hardness, even in 1000 under the high temperature will not be compromised. Therefore, high-speed machining, cutting speed to reach 2000 meters per minute or more, than ordinary carbon steel knives more than 100 times higher than that of tungsten steel cutting tool 15 times higher. Mold made of it, you can press more than 300 million times durable than regular steel die 60 times.
Tungsten Latin means "wolf's mouth foam", tungsten how it linked with the predators? In fact, in a long time ago, people discovered tin ore smelting, when the ore contains a brown witherite, the tin will be a sharp decline in production. This is like the original witherite wolf will devour the sheep eat the same tin. Therefore, the tungsten has been called "the wolf's mouth foam."
Tungsten in the earth's crust about one hundred thousandth. Nature black manganese tungsten iron ore (also known as wolframite) and yellow gray calcium tungsten ore (also known as scheelite), tungsten ore reserves in China account for the world. Nanling our country is the world's richest scheelite zone, especially in the southern Jiangxi Province, known as "Metal Township." Jiangxi and Hunan dayu Shizhuyuan have the world's largest tungsten mine.
As early as the 18th century, humans have discovered the tungsten, but it was only in 1850 obtained by the Wheeler pure tungsten metal. But since then it has been widely used. Except for its filament, but also used for high-performance cutting tool.
In 1864, the British people the first time Frechette steel add 5% of tungsten, Make a change to maintain high hardness of the alloy. Tool steel to do this can speed metal from the original 5 meters per minute, increased to 7.5 meters per minute. Developed as a result of constant volume with different high-speed tungsten steel, so that gradually increase speed. After 40 years, the metal tungsten steel cutting speed to 35 meters per minute, so cutting capacity by 6 times.
In 1907, a tungsten, chromium and cobalt-based alloy - "Staley," The successful development of cemented carbide, higher cutting speed is more to create the conditions.
Ultra-modern carbide is tungsten carbide and a number of other elements of the carbide produced by sintering method. It is the refractory metals (tungsten, tantalum, titanium, molybdenum, etc.) of the hard carbide particles, with one or more of the iron group elements (cobalt, nickel or iron) to suppress the powder mixture of shape, then sintered made.
Carbide is the world's highest strength alloy. Carbide is now widely used there are two main categories: first, the binder is made of cobalt-based alloy of tungsten carbide; second type of binder is made of tool steel titanium carbide-based alloys.
Cemented carbide cutting tools used to do, and its degree of hardness, even in 1000 under the high temperature will not be compromised. Therefore, high-speed machining, cutting speed to reach 2000 meters per minute or more, than ordinary carbon steel knives more than 100 times higher than that of tungsten steel cutting tool 15 times higher. Mold made of it, you can press more than 300 million times durable than regular steel die 60 times.
The lightest metal
Speaking of the lightest metal in the metal, of course, it啦lithium. The proportion of lithium is only 0.534, about half of the water, even the aluminum than 4 times its weight, using an ordinary knife can easily cut a few pieces of it. Unlike ordinary metal as lithium used to make various objects were found in its many years of rarely used. Until the First World War, the German industrial production in urgent need of tin, but the lack of tin mineral raw materials. People have to find substitutes, lithium only emerge at this time, but it also began to show their talents. The needs of modern technology, optical materials, not only through the visible light, but also through the ultraviolet, X-rays, at the same time, but also has good thermal stability, high resistivity and low dielectric loss. Lithium has a glass on the optical properties of this valuable, so the TV screen using a lithium glass. Difficult to capture an ordinary telescope of distant stellar radiation, and therefore rarely used in astronomical observations. Using crystal made of LiF lens, mounted on an astronomical telescope, due to UV LiF the highest degree of transparency, astronomers can use it to perceive things hidden in the deepest mysteries of the Milky Way. Or to create high-energy lithium battery of important raw materials. The international community in 1977 there is a coin-shaped lithium-ion battery, the diameter of 23 millimeters, 2.5 millimeters thick, less than 5 coins so much, it is suitable for micro-, low-profile use of electronic devices. This lithium battery for low power consumption liquid crystal display of the desktop computer can be used continuously for 5 to 10 years without replacement. Lithium batteries used to start the car, low-cost, do not pollute the atmosphere. Alkaline batteries are the electrolytic solution of sodium hydroxide, if adding a few grams in which lithium hydroxide, the battery can double the life, the application temperature range of batteries has also increased. When the temperature dropped to minus 20 degrees Celsius, the electrolyte will not Solidification; When the temperature rose to 40 degrees, it will not discharge. Japan has used to create a lithium electrode, installed in the electrolyzer, the zinc electrode used than the original capacity of the electrolyzer 5 to 6 times. Some organic compounds of lithium, such as lithium stearate, lithium, such as palmitic acid, the temperature changes in the environment, performance can be maintained, is an ideal lubricant. Such lubricants in the automotive parts easily add a mill, you can use on a permanent basis. Even in Antarctica 60 degrees below zero on the ice, lithium lubricant纵横驰骋car can still not frozen. Lithium is an ideal rocket fuel. Rocket takes a great deal of power to overcome gravity to fly into outer space. Kerosene have been considered to be the most effective, the use of liquid oxygen so the fuel-oxidant, and its heat for the 2,300 kcal / kg. Now, beryllium and lithium by scientists think it is rocket fuel used for the best metal. After the lithium metal fuel combustion heat release up to 10,270 kcal / kg. In the atomic energy industry, lithium also show their talents. Scientists have found that the isotope lithium -6 neutron nuclei is very easy for them to split. Lithium absorption of a neutron per -6, lithium nucleus becomes unstable, sometimes evolve into two new atoms: helium and tritium. At very high temperatures, tritium and deuterium atoms released at the same time a great combination of thermal energy. Among sub-bombardment of lithium by the isotopes deuterium and -6 synthesis of compounds of lithium deuteride, the strong have a thermonuclear reaction. Therefore, tritium and lithium has become the ideal of a nuclear reactor fuel, it should be cheaper than uranium. Lithium reactors will not form a radioactive fission products, nuclear reactions are more easily controlled.
Heavy metal 重金属

Looking from the density, the sky grey metal osmium is in the metal champion, the osmium density is 22.48 grams/cubic centimeters, quite Yu Qian 2 times, hard 3 times, lithium 42 times. 1 cubic meter osmium has 22.48 ton heavy. The metal osmium is extremely crisp, places in the hard mortar to pound, very easily will turn the powder, the osmium powder assumes the blue black. The metal osmium is very stable in the air, the melting point is 2700 degrees Celsius, it does not dissolve in the ordinary acid, will not be corroded in the aqua regia. But, the powdery osmium, gradually will be oxidized under the normal temperature, and production perosmic anhydride. Perosmic anhydride when 48 degrees Celsius will melt, to 130 degrees Celsius when will seethe with excitement. The osmium vapor has the violent poisonousness, will stimulate the human eye intensely the mucous membrane, will be serious when will create loses one's sight. The osmium may use in the industry to make the catalyst. When synthetic ammonia, if makes the catalyst with the osmium, may obtain the high conversion rate under not too high temperature. If mixes osmium in the platinum, may make is also hard the sharp scalpel. May make the iridium using the osmium identical quota's iridium. On the iridium-point pen pen tip that silver-white color's small dot, is the iridium. Iridium hard wear-resisting, the iraurita pen tip is more durable than the ordinary pen nib, key in this “small dot” on. May also make the clock and watch and the important instrument's bearing with the iridium, is very wear-resisting, can use many years, but will not damage.
从密度来看,蓝灰色的金属锇是金属中的冠军,锇的密度为 22.48 克/立方厘米,相当于铅的2倍,铁的3倍,锂的42倍。1立方米的锇就有22.48吨重。 金属锇极脆,放在铁臼里捣,就会很容易地变成粉末,锇粉呈蓝黑色。 金属锇在空气中十分稳定,熔点是2700摄氏度,它不溶于普通的酸,甚至在王水里也不会被腐蚀。可是,粉末状的锇,在常温下就会逐渐被氧化,并且生成四氧化锇。四氧化锇在48摄氏度时会熔化,到 130摄氏度时就会沸腾。锇的蒸气有剧毒,会强烈地刺激人眼的粘膜,严重时会造成失明。 锇在工业中可以用做催化剂。合成氨时,如果用锇做催化剂,就可以在不太高的温度下获得较高的转化率。如果在铂里掺进一点锇,就可做成又硬又锋利的手术刀。 利用锇同一定量的铱可制成锇铱合金。铱金笔笔尖上那颗银白色的小圆点,就是锇铱合金。锇铱合金坚硬耐磨,铱金笔尖比普通的钢笔尖耐用,关键就在这个“小圆点”上。用锇铱合金还可以做钟表和重要仪器的轴承,十分耐磨,能使用多年而不会损坏。

Birthday FlowersBirthday FlowersBirthday FlowersBirthday Flowers

Atomic bomb: it was one of the first developed nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons is the most common, it is by the use of nuclear fission to release enormous energy, by light radiation, shock wave, early nuclear radiation, radioactive contamination and electromagnetic pulse plays the role of anti-sabotage.

Short-term tips看盘
Israel had one or two nuclear weapons on hand at the time of the Six-Day war, and thus she could have tested in June ‘67 if she had desired to do so.
** China’s first nuclear detonation took place on October 16, 1964, an all-HEU weapon. Pu was first used in a nuclear test on December 27, 1968.
** China’s first nuclear detonation took place on October 16, 1964, an all-HEU weapon. Pu was first used in a nuclear test on December 27, 1968.

First test of a partial yield thermonuclear, testing the two-stage principle; second test of TN primary. Too massive to be deliverable as a weapon. Used U-235, U-238 and Li-6 D

For many investors prefer short-term operation, the看盘techniques is very important changes from Handicap to analyze the main trends, and to determine their own methods of operation. According to the author's experience, focus on short-term operation to observe the changes in trading volume, trading挂单volatility changes, as well as indicators of short-term trend (KDJ most sensitive) to determine the trend of stocks of late, do not see the volume of a zoom on the follow-up, and sometimes volume is very dangerous at this time when we should pay attention to enlarge the average volume line, if the average price down the line, we could not buy, buy This shows that is false, I dished out the heavy circumstances. When share prices are a certain time, if it is found to increase selling prices did not decline as the selling, you can buy at this time. After another but also pay attention to the issue of volume, the general retail sale regardless of the volume of small, three-digit or four-digit single-most of the trading institutions of the hanging, institutions sometimes do not use an integer to buy, such as 168 hands , 519 hands, 188 hands, which seems like a single show that the retail sale of the institutions now have a retail摸透psychological, which generally appear in the high-point in the set of knock.
Whether to do so in the long-term or short-term, if we find that sudden massive release, especially in the high alert would have to determine is the maximum. If it is put in at the bottom of a large number, no need to worry about.
To grasp the point of sale is not easy, and this is not on the master said. Do short-term need to see 60 minutes of short-term indicators, KDJ is金叉near 20, if金叉, and then five minutes to see a line on the 20th, 30-day average line in six months flat or slightly bend away , when the stock price if the sudden drop in volume on the 20th, 30-day average does not change the shape up, you can buy boldly. As long as 20, average 30 lines in the vicinity of half a year away from level dropped to slightly bend the can be bought, can be a more accurate reference KDJ line indicators and 1 minute.
In these conditions, the combination of short-term to buy the same amount of energy to change, if you have a big bang, do not buy, and then earn less and so on, so, so long as such patterns appear to be happening, including in-line, quarter lines, 30 average, 20 average, 10 average, 5-day average upward trend of cross-together, then do not hesitate to buy, such as profits, in general the next day will be not less than 3% of profits ( a conservative estimate). the opportunity to sell. Can not slow the slowest in the third five minutes out, sometimes five minutes of the second high price than the first release of a sudden a lot of high points higher. See line 5 minutes, under normal circumstances it would not take a large number of process will be moderate to heavy volume up, if this happens, look at the average time-line, the direction is still upward, if the form of slowing down flat, dished out immediately .
The key is to do short-term to see more small animals and can not buy their own, the firm does not buy, a good selling point to the plan to decisively thrown out, quasi-win habit. At that time, to choose to do short-term hot stocks, low-cost small-cap stocks fallen too far, of course, if a large quantity of funds, then market shares or options.www.7k6k.blogspot.com When the key is to hand out to be neat, because small-cap stocks too slow turnover, market share is not. Do have to combine short-term look at the market, when the market attack, the 80% -90% of stocks in the red homeopathy, when found in the market down, you the maximum of five minutes or even five minutes of indicators is now a large number, it is the first step dished out a good period of profit.
Whether to do so in the long-term or short-term, if we find that sudden massive release, especially in the high alert would have to determine is the maximum. If it is put in at the bottom of a large number, no need to worry about.
To grasp the point of sale is not easy, and this is not on the master said. Do short-term need to see 60 minutes of short-term indicators, KDJ is金叉near 20, if金叉, and then five minutes to see a line on the 20th, 30-day average line in six months flat or slightly bend away , when the stock price if the sudden drop in volume on the 20th, 30-day average does not change the shape up, you can buy boldly. As long as 20, average 30 lines in the vicinity of half a year away from level dropped to slightly bend the can be bought, can be a more accurate reference KDJ line indicators and 1 minute.

In these conditions, the combination of short-term to buy the same amount of energy to change, if you have a big bang, do not buy, and then earn less and so on, so, so long as such patterns appear to be happening, including in-line, quarter lines, 30 average, 20 average, 10 average, 5-day average upward trend of cross-together, then do not hesitate to buy, such as profits, in general the next day will be not less than 3% of profits ( a conservative estimate). the opportunity to sell. Can not slow the slowest in the third five minutes out, sometimes five minutes of the second high price than the first release of a sudden a lot of high points higher. See line 5 minutes, under normal circumstances it would not take a large number of process will be moderate to heavy volume up, if this happens, look at the average time-line, the direction is still upward, if the form of slowing down flat, dished out immediately .

The key is to do short-term to see more small animals and can not buy their own, the firm does not buy, a good selling point to the plan to decisively thrown out, quasi-win habit. At that time, to choose to do short-term hot stocks, low-cost small-cap stocks fallen too far, of course, if a large quantity of funds, then market shares or options.www.7k6k.blogspot.com When the key is to hand out to be neat, because small-cap stocks too slow turnover, market share is not. Do have to combine short-term look at the market, when the market attack, the 80% -90% of stocks in the red homeopathy, when found in the market down, you the maximum of five minutes or even five minutes of indicators is now a large number, it is the first step dished out a good period of profit.
Chinese nuclear device 短线看盘小窍门


The analysis said that now buys up the technical sector to be possibly too late
The Sina science and technology news Beijing standard time on May 4 the news, reported in the afternoon according to the overseas media, although the technology stock rise urges the NASDAQ index for the past two months to rise 36%, but the epicycle rises is mainly by three stock impetuses, if only then starts to buy up the technology stock now, possibly is too late. since this year, although the overall market slides to approximately 3%, but rises 9% richly including the technical sector's NASDAQ index. The NASDAQ index already the base rose 36% from March 9, same time Standard & Poor 500 index increase scopes are 30%. the NASDAQ index rise's behind is to the technical disbursement rise, this science and technology class company strong property debt table, moreover the tech area not too possibly receives government's strict supervision. Revised in the income anticipated company in the past one month, approximately some 65% technical company was the upward revision, displayed well in other professions.but also has the place which some needs to pay attention: First, this rise is mainly impels by three stocks. Apple (Apple) rose 49%, RIM to rise 78% this year, the google rose 28%, these three stock grand total has contributed the NASDAQ index 51% increase scopes. second, buys up the technical sector to be possibly too late now. The history indicated that if the technical sector epicycle bounces is not only from March the recovery which collapses extremely to the money market panic appears, then the overall market will also start to grow. Birinyi the Associates research demonstrated that since 1948, before each time the economic recession finished in the average two months, technical sector performance strong in bulk lots. Once the economic recession ended, the technology stock favored in the anisotropous disk reorganizes, but the majority other sectors could make up rise, the public utilities and the telecommunication were the stock categories which finally started.if the economical worst time already passed, the economic resurgence soon starts, then the investor should start to pay attention to the market other domains. (rather string) Pharma Technology
Pharma Technology 解读中药鉴定学前言
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奥丽侬 oleno
Pharma Technology 世家:http://www.7k6k.blogspot.com
奥丽侬内衣有限公司,是一家集设计、生产、营销为一体的大型内衣企业,座落在中国的内衣之都 ------ 南海盐步。 1989 年,公司前身适雅内衣厂成立。凭借前瞻的产品设计、出众的产品质量和一诺千金的商业信誉,缔造着走向世界的高级内衣品牌,产品涉及文胸、内裤、保暖内衣、睡衣、美体塑身衣、家居服、泳衣等多个领域。
经过十多年的发展,公司拥有广州、法国两地优秀内衣设计师,十多项产品专利,现代化中央空调厂房 36000m2 ,美国格柏( GERBER )设计系统和世界领先的文胸生产设备,多次被评为“重合同守信用企业”、“质量信得过单位”“AAA+质量信用企业”。
公司旗下现拥有多个著名内衣品牌,其中奥丽侬品牌入选“中国名优产品”,并获得“中国名牌”、“广东省名牌”称号,以“娇媚、时尚”受到各地时尚女性的追捧和喜爱,并出口到日本、澳大利亚、马来西亚、韩国等国家和地区。至 2003 年底,全国共有终端网点 1300 多家。在“认真、自觉、投入”的企业精神的指引下, 强烈的品牌意识和成功的品牌经营,使奥丽侬公司以新的姿态,接受新的挑战。
Pharma Technology 世家:http://www.7k6k.blogspot.com
奥丽侬内衣有限公司,是一家集设计、生产、营销为一体的大型内衣企业,座落在中国的内衣之都 ------ 南海盐步。 1989 年,公司前身适雅内衣厂成立。凭借前瞻的产品设计、出众的产品质量和一诺千金的商业信誉,缔造着走向世界的高级内衣品牌,产品涉及文胸、内裤、保暖内衣、睡衣、美体塑身衣、家居服、泳衣等多个领域。
经过十多年的发展,公司拥有广州、法国两地优秀内衣设计师,十多项产品专利,现代化中央空调厂房 36000m2 ,美国格柏( GERBER )设计系统和世界领先的文胸生产设备,多次被评为“重合同守信用企业”、“质量信得过单位”“AAA+质量信用企业”。
公司旗下现拥有多个著名内衣品牌,其中奥丽侬品牌入选“中国名优产品”,并获得“中国名牌”、“广东省名牌”称号,以“娇媚、时尚”受到各地时尚女性的追捧和喜爱,并出口到日本、澳大利亚、马来西亚、韩国等国家和地区。至 2003 年底,全国共有终端网点 1300 多家。在“认真、自觉、投入”的企业精神的指引下, 强烈的品牌意识和成功的品牌经营,使奥丽侬公司以新的姿态,接受新的挑战。
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工 作 经 验 如 下2008/6--至今:大有时空网络科技(北京)有限公司 所属行业: 网络游戏 网页游戏研发部 UI设计 游戏内角色设计 前台码设计 在该公司主要公作有: 网页平台的建设(现还没上线) 公司页面建设中药.dayounet中药学 网页游戏<<山寨英雄传>> 画面 UI 设计 建筑物原画 前台结构代码骗写! http://test.2009hero中药学/Server/login.html(内部侧试) <<山寨英雄传>>官网的建设! http://中药.2009hero中药学 2007/5--2008/6:德帕亿博科技发展有限公司 所属行业: 网络游戏 开发部 美工/代码设计 一家国外游戏公司!在韩国公司网址为http://中药.mud4u中药学/ 主要从事要司的专区设计,代码设计,广告设计,部会广告设计! http://中药.gamech中药学.cn/(部分代码) http://bbs.gamech中药学.cn/avatar/?Lists/1/1.htm(代码+部分设计) http://dm.gamech中药学.cn/(代码+设计)http://wow.gamech中药学.cn/(代码+设计) http://x5.gamech中药学.cn/(代码) http://wowtcg.gamech中药学.cn/(代码) http://chibi.gamech中药学.cn/(代码+设计) http://r2.gamech中药学.cn/(代码) http://50.gamech中药学.cn/(代码) http://gr.gamech中药学.cn/(代码+设计) http://gr.gamech中药学.cn/(代码+设计) 还有众多活动页和广告页,及小广告! 公司介绍网址为http://中药.the5中药学 离职原因: 想找一个有发展替力的公司! 联络时请说明来自:1010兼职网,以获得更好效果.
相 思
相 思 红豆生南国,春来发几枝?劝君多采撷,此物最相思。
这首诗是青年王维所作爱情诗的代表。该诗由物感怀,借助红豆鲜艳色彩和有关的动人传说,以含蓄深沉而清新流畅的语言,传达浓烈的相思之情,十分感人。《相思》流传至今仍不失为咏物诗的名篇。“观物微”而“托兴远 ”,是古人作咏物诗常用的一种手法。王维深解诗中三昧,因此《相思》在表现技巧上有许多可借鉴之处。
首句“红豆生南国 ”,落笔不俗,指出所咏之物及其生长环境,同时向读者托出了一颗由古代传说所凝成的爱情珍珠。它借遥远的南国与久远的传说,将人们思绪带到恋人所在的海角天涯。第二句“春来发几枝 ?”,这句发问,明为对相思木的关切,实则是诗人对对方爱情发展的关切。春天相思木适逢甘霖,新枝兢秀,爱情之花不也是在此时成长、开放的吗?这里尽管是发问,但一个“发”字却带有相当肯定的语气,充分表现了爱情的纯洁和蓬勃发展。
一首咏物诗,仅有细致入微、生动传神的景物描写,并不能表达主题,由此诗人由物及人地展开了心灵的刻划 。“劝君多采撷”一句承上转入,希望恋人多多采撷殷红鲜亮的相思豆,让象征爱情的红豆充满衣兜,暗示他们的爱情已经到了收获的季节。一个“劝”字胜过千言万语,一下子拓宽了诗境,为下句的飞跃作好了铺垫。

首句“红豆生南国 ”,落笔不俗,指出所咏之物及其生长环境,同时向读者托出了一颗由古代传说所凝成的爱情珍珠。它借遥远的南国与久远的传说,将人们思绪带到恋人所在的海角天涯。第二句“春来发几枝 ?”,这句发问,明为对相思木的关切,实则是诗人对对方爱情发展的关切。春天相思木适逢甘霖,新枝兢秀,爱情之花不也是在此时成长、开放的吗?这里尽管是发问,但一个“发”字却带有相当肯定的语气,充分表现了爱情的纯洁和蓬勃发展。
一首咏物诗,仅有细致入微、生动传神的景物描写,并不能表达主题,由此诗人由物及人地展开了心灵的刻划 。“劝君多采撷”一句承上转入,希望恋人多多采撷殷红鲜亮的相思豆,让象征爱情的红豆充满衣兜,暗示他们的爱情已经到了收获的季节。一个“劝”字胜过千言万语,一下子拓宽了诗境,为下句的飞跃作好了铺垫。
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Tencent Traveler 4.4==================1.网络视频可在独立窗口中观看,浏览网页看视频两不误2.崭新的文字快速浏览模式,上网浏览更快速、更安全3.强大的自定义背景功能,让您的TT浏览器个性自由4.独立的QQ帐号登录功能,快捷访问空间、邮箱、网络收藏等5.启动速度提高40%,更轻盈、更快速的启动体验6.状态栏增加页面错误标识,网页对错一目了然7.优化自动弹出窗口屏蔽功能,浏览过程免骚扰8. 优化添加收藏的性能,解决您收藏多、添加慢的烦恼
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Tencent Traveler 4.3==================1.更快的启动速度,更好的内存释放2.更强的网络收藏夹侧边栏管理,支持和本地收藏夹的拖拽,支持批处理3.更完善的页面内查找体验4.更方便使用的链接栏和收藏夹栏,支持拖拽链接收藏5.收藏夹菜单多列显示,并完全兼容TT3系列的相关功能6.菜单可直接操作代理服务器设置7.新皮肤“宁静天空”(需单独下载http://7k6k.blogspot.com)
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Tencent Traveler 4.1.1==================1.新增配置文件可更改目录的功能2.新增TT选项可恢复默认设置功能3.优化全屏功能,新增恢复按钮4.快捷键位置优化调整5.优化"总是打开新标签"功能6.新增地址栏搜索词与搜索栏同步更新7.新增"火炬燃情"皮肤,点燃2008
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Tencent Traveler 4.4==================1.网络视频可在独立窗口中观看,浏览网页看视频两不误2.崭新的文字快速浏览模式,上网浏览更快速、更安全3.强大的自定义背景功能,让您的TT浏览器个性自由4.独立的QQ帐号登录功能,快捷访问空间、邮箱、网络收藏等5.启动速度提高40%,更轻盈、更快速的启动体验6.状态栏增加页面错误标识,网页对错一目了然7.优化自动弹出窗口屏蔽功能,浏览过程免骚扰8. 优化添加收藏的性能,解决您收藏多、添加慢的烦恼
Tencent Traveler 4.3.1==================1.地址栏QQ号码智能判断,一键直达2.经典皮肤新增大小图标切换功能3.新增关闭所有标签页提示的功能4.完善“添加当前页到本层”的体验5.新增保存所有打开网址到文件的功能
Tencent Traveler 4.3==================1.更快的启动速度,更好的内存释放2.更强的网络收藏夹侧边栏管理,支持和本地收藏夹的拖拽,支持批处理3.更完善的页面内查找体验4.更方便使用的链接栏和收藏夹栏,支持拖拽链接收藏5.收藏夹菜单多列显示,并完全兼容TT3系列的相关功能6.菜单可直接操作代理服务器设置7.新皮肤“宁静天空”(需单独下载http://7k6k.blogspot.com)
Tencent Traveler 4.2.1==================1.优化TT查看菜单,新增更多功能项2.新增将当前所有页添加到收藏夹功能3.完善打开本层所有页面的功能体验4.新增搜索栏可自由拖放功能5.完善QQ网络收藏夹帐号切换功能6.新增QQ网址大全,上网更方便
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Tencent Traveler 4.1.1==================1.新增配置文件可更改目录的功能2.新增TT选项可恢复默认设置功能3.优化全屏功能,新增恢复按钮4.快捷键位置优化调整5.优化"总是打开新标签"功能6.新增地址栏搜索词与搜索栏同步更新7.新增"火炬燃情"皮肤,点燃2008
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Tencent Traveler 4.0.1==================1. 新增更多可自定义设置的快捷键2. 优化最近浏览列表的打开逻辑3. 优化地址栏对网址记录的逻辑4. 解决F6快捷键不能定位到地址栏的问题5. 解决Ctrl + Enter快捷回复的问题6. 解决网页间保存输入法的问题7. 解决部分网页功能使用不正常的问题樱桃红仁
Tencent Traveler 4.0==================1.增加多线程模式,速度更快、性能更好2.提升收藏夹打开速度,两千收藏一秒搞定3.推出实时更新的黑白名单功能,浏览更安全4.完善智能屏蔽功能,更加人性化5.完善鼠标手势功能,手势更贴心6.新增清除记录进度提示,让等待不再烦心7.TT选项改为网页风格,设置更丰富8.全新的皮肤效果,柔和简洁
塞内加尔 Senegal
196 722
达喀尔 Dakar
塞舌尔 Seychelles
维多利亚 Victoria

品 牌: Giorgio Armani
国 家: 意大利
类 型: 香水
介 绍:
香调:柑橘调 前味:佛手柑、柠檬、柑橘 中味:麝香草、豆蔻 后味:白麝香 Emporio Armani White白色香水:女香包含清新的木香及麝香;男香则是令人振奋的柠檬及佛手柑香味。在瓶身的设计上更是独树一格,在瓶身最下方有一排用世界各国语言写出‘他’的文字,篆刻在瓶身上更显得特别。

国 家: 意大利
类 型: 香水

品 牌: Giorgio Armani
国 家: 意大利
类 型: 香水

Examples of solid solutions are alloys and certain minerals and polymers containing plasticizers. The ability of one compound to dissolve in another compound is called solubility. The physical properties of compounds such as melting point and boiling point change when other compounds are added. Together they are called colligative properties. There are several ways to quantify the amount of one compound dissolved in the other compounds collectively called concentration. Examples include molarity, molality, mole fraction, and parts per million (ppm).
Solutions should be distinguished from non-homogeneous mixtures such as colloids and suspensions. When a liquid is able to completely dissolve in another liquid the two liquids are miscible. Two substances that can never mix to form a solution are called immiscible.
This article is about chemical solutions. For other uses, see Solution (disambiguation). Making a saline water solution by dissolving table salt (NaCl) in waterIn chemistry, a solution is a homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances. In such a mixture, a solute is dissolved in another substance, known as a solvent. Gases may dissolve in liquids, for example, carbon dioxide or oxygen in water. Liquids may dissolve in other liquids. Gases can combine with other gases to form mixtures, rather than solutions.[1] All solutions are characterized by interactions between the solvent phase and solute molecules or ions that result in a net decrease in free energy. Under such a definition, gases typically cannot function as solvents, since in the gas phase interactions between molecules are minimal due to the large distances between the molecules. This lack of interaction is the reason gases can expand freely and the presence of these interactions is the reason liquids do not expand.
Solutions should be distinguished from non-homogeneous mixtures such as colloids and suspensions. When a liquid is able to completely dissolve in another liquid the two liquids are miscible. Two substances that can never mix to form a solution are called immiscible.
This article is about chemical solutions. For other uses, see Solution (disambiguation). Making a saline water solution by dissolving table salt (NaCl) in waterIn chemistry, a solution is a homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances. In such a mixture, a solute is dissolved in another substance, known as a solvent. Gases may dissolve in liquids, for example, carbon dioxide or oxygen in water. Liquids may dissolve in other liquids. Gases can combine with other gases to form mixtures, rather than solutions.[1] All solutions are characterized by interactions between the solvent phase and solute molecules or ions that result in a net decrease in free energy. Under such a definition, gases typically cannot function as solvents, since in the gas phase interactions between molecules are minimal due to the large distances between the molecules. This lack of interaction is the reason gases can expand freely and the presence of these interactions is the reason liquids do not expand.
Giorgio Armani的经典风格:低调奢华和光华璀璨,赋予女性阿玛尼式的经典与优雅,同时又完美的表现女性自身的特点和魅力。作为他庞大时尚王国的一部分,Giorgio Armani香水的精致、优雅、个性的完美体现为其在全球范围内赢得广泛赞誉。

Armani 白色她香水

品 牌: Giorgio Armani
国 家: 意大利
类 型: 香水
介 绍:
香调:柑橘调 前味:佛手柑、柠檬、柑橘 中味:麝香草、豆蔻 后味:白麝香 Emporio Armani White白色香水:女香包含清新的木香及麝香;男香则是令人振奋的柠檬及佛手柑香味。在瓶身的设计上更是独树一格,在瓶身最下方有一排用世界各国语言写出‘他’的文字,篆刻在瓶身上更显得特别。

品 牌: Giorgio Armani
国 家: 意大利
类 型: 香水
介 绍:
BLACK CODE蕴含着神秘的独特气质,洒上肌肤时,藉由体温的变化散发更多层次的气味。前卫性感的设计,保有GIORGIO ARMANI一贯的优雅和经典。香调:东方清新调。前味:柠檬、香柠檬、橙花。中味:地中海辛香料。后味:GUAIAC木、东加豆。
BLACK CODE蕴含着神秘的独特气质,洒上肌肤时,藉由体温的变化散发更多层次的气味。前卫性感的设计,保有GIORGIO ARMANI一贯的优雅和经典。香调:东方清新调。前味:柠檬、香柠檬、橙花。中味:地中海辛香料。后味:GUAIAC木、东加豆。
Armani Code 女士香水

品 牌: Giorgio Armani
国 家: 意大利
类 型: 香水
介 绍:
ARMANI CODE 继承了GIORGIO ARMANI一贯的优雅与经典。它以橙花香为主调,并且藉由体温的变化散发更多层次的气味,令人无法掌握,有着难以抗拒的神秘香味。香调:魅力花香调 ,前味:苦橙、意大利柳橙、小花茉莉,中味:橙花、纯净天然茉莉精粹 ,后味:香草、蜂蜜。
Attitude 男士香水

Attitude男士香水:前调由天然精粹的Sicilian Lemon西西里柠檬香加上Coffee Absolute咖啡香开启;来自Ceylan Cardamom锡兰豆蔻与清澈优雅的Lavender薰衣草相辅相成;后味留下China Cedar中国雪松与Indonesian Patchouli印度尼西亚广霍香的沉稳,将当代男性的刚毅强健与感性深沉表露无疑。天鹅绒般浓郁强烈的树脂馨香与醇厚馥郁的琥珀精髓,更将Attitude标志香味衬出神秘又撩人的性感气息。
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